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Saturday, July 23

Files on External/Flash Drive Changed to Shortcuts Virus

AUGUST 11, 2010
I caught a virus on my flash drive at work and it appears to have changed all my file names to short cuts. I believe I’ve cleaned the virus but how do i get my files back so that I can view them?
* If you did not format your flash drive, then check whether the files are not in hidden mode.
* Click on “Start” –>Run–>type cmd and click on OK.
* Check your external Drive letter in My Computer
* Here I assume your external drive as G:
* Enter this command.
attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:*.*
* Delete the unnecessary shortcuts.
Note: Replace the letter g with your flash drive letter.
Still problem? Write down in comments section.

Monday, July 11

Subject Weightage In GATE

How to Move your Mouse cursor Without Mouse?

You can control your mouse pointer with keyboard keys in all windows versions. When your mouse stops working, you can enable this keyboard feature to complete your important work. This keyboard mouse can performs all tasks same like a normal mouse.

Follow the given steps to activate the keyboard mouse:

To edit this feature, first you should log onto your computer with administrative rights.

To activate this feature, press Alt+Shift+NumLock keys at once and you will receive a small MouseKey box.

To keep MouseKeys on, click on Ok button or click on cancel button to cancel MouseKeys box.

Click on Settings button, if you want to adjust the mouse cursor detail settings.

Here a new dialog box will appear with the title Settings for MouseKeys", now you can manage all mouse settings for example mouse cursor speed, acceleration and some other features.

Now using Numeric keypad, you can move your mouse pointer. The controls are:


1,2,3,4,6,7,8 and 9 keys are used to move the mouse cursor into different directions.

Key 5 is used as mouse click button.

Insert key used to hold down mouse button.

+ Sign used to double click on any object.

Delete button used to release the mouse.

Click on NumLock button to disable this keyboard mouse feature.